Lolasana- Swinging Pose: Benefits, Cautions & Instructions

 Lolasana (Swinging Pose) – Benefits, Cautions & Guide

Lolasana (Swinging Pose) is an advanced asana. To master this posture, one needs to be able to sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) without any discomfort.

The name of the posture originates from the Sanskrit term Lol which means Swinging.

Today we share a step by step asana instruction followed by a discussion part:

  1. Sit in Padmasana
  2. Place the palms on the floor besides the thighs
  3. Separate the fingers equally
  4. Inhale deeply
  5. Raise the whole body from the floor, balancing only on the hands
  6. Swing the body backward and forward between the arms
  7. Lower the buttocks and legs to the ground
  8. Rest in the sitting position
  9. Repeat this with the legs crossed the other way

Note: Try to gaze at one point for better concentration.

About this posture and its practice

While attempting a new posture, you should always keep in mind to incorporate a suitable warm-up prior practice. In hatha yoga, the warming-up part is called Pawanmuktasana or Energy Releasing postures. A gentle warm-up helps you to prepare your body, release stiffness and smoothen the joints, tendons and muscles. Lolasana requires strength in your arms, shoulders, wrists therefore you could pracise a few shoulder and wrist rotations. If you cannot sit in Padmasana (lotus seat) yet, try butterfly pose and gently move your knees up and down. This helps to open the hips.


  • Strengthens the arms, wrists and shoulders
  • Tones the abdominal muscles
  • Opens the chest
  • Generates control and balance
  • Improves concentration


This posture should be avoided if you suffer from heart conditions, high blood pressure , prolapse, hernia or back pain. It’s a very strenuous posture.

Yoga Asana Practise at Gyan Yog Breath

Our Gyan Yog Breath Team publishes weekly asana tutorials for you to help you get into the right practise and understand about various benefits and contra-indications of postures.

Sometimes, reading about a practise can awaken questions and the desire to learn yoga on a much deeper level.

Therefore, we have established some comprehensive Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Teacher Training Programs that aim to guide you into advanced and higher levels of yoga.

The beginner training is called 100 or 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. With experienced teachers and challenging classes, you can finally improve your yoga practice safely and with joy!

The Benefits of a Yoga Practice with an Experienced Teacher:

  •  You can to be picked up from your current level
  •  Avoid serious injuries
  •  Gain maximum benefits through the use of explanations, adjustments and props
  •  Grow your practice steady and strong
  •  Get insider tips about diet, life-style and yoga-related practises such as Pranayama and Meditation



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