Watch and read reviews of what our Yoga Teacher Training students and graduates think of us! Get personal and special insights into a Yoga Teacher Training at Gyan Yog Breath in Rishikesh, India.

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Student Name: Yana Roenman

Loved every moment of my yoga teacher training in India! Gyan Yog Breath became a place of family, connection and home to me. It was a journey of spiritual, personal and emotional development and transformation. I’ll be forever grateful for this wonderful experience ❤️

Yana Roenman

Yoga Teacher Trainee at Gyan Yog Breath

Name Sophie Lafond Country: Switzerland Course: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Date: April 2022   Joining Gyan Yog Breath for my first Yoga Teacher Training in India was absolutely mesmerizing. I am a very introverted person, but I feel like sharing my wonderful experience. Taking up the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training has been a dream of mine for the last 2 years. Especially the Emotional Blockage Treatment, Ayurveda, and positive reviews drew me to this place. Gyan Yog Breath consists of a team of 10 yogis, PhDs, and swami Ji who 24/7 aim to guide you, support you and lift you up! The asana classes are challenging, but rewarding. I felt my body become more light, flexible and strong within the first week already. Postures that seemed to be impossible for me, are now easier because my body allows it and I understand the anatomy, alignment, and benefit behind it. The whole course is structured very well. I learned so much in this short time. I loved the meditation, philosophy, and anatomy classes very much. Dr. Vipul Arya, Girish, and Manish are very knowledgeable, they are so calm and always knew the answer to my countless questions. I think I found many answers. During my Yoga Teacher Training, I made a lot of friendships that will last a long time. It’s amazing how you meet like-minded people in the same place and share this magical journey. I am feeling forever thankful for this teacher training and hope that I can inspire many yogis to join this school. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced in your practice, you will keep on learning and growing so much!


Yoga Teacher Trainee at Gyan Yog Breath

Name: Theresa Lindenberg Country: Germany Course: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Date: May 2021   I am feeling so much love for this place? Coming to India with a very weak and nervous mind, I really didn’t know what to expect from this course. Previously, I had studied Business Administrations in Germany. I really wanted to experience some peace and connect with myself. I am not exaggerating when I say that my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training exceeded all expectations. I found exactly what I was looking for: self-acceptance, peace and strong friendships with people that I feel like I have been knowing for a very long time. I didn’t have to pretend to be someone else, I am just being myself now and joying it to the fullest. My mind changed from being always stressed, doubtful, and worried to more relaxed and settled. When I came home after the teacher training my family said that I look very different now, much more shining and happy. I guess everyone is looking for peace and happiness in their life, so if you want to make a change, you should visit this place and join the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training! It’s for personal growth, healing and learning how to teach the art of yoga to others..


Yoga Student Of Gyan Yog Breath

Name: Valérie Blanchebarbe Country: France Course: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Date: August 2021 I highly recommend this school. It is easy to get drowned in the multitude of yoga school options in Rishikesh. After looking around for a month for a school I decided on this one. The caliber of teachers are excellent. The location is beautiful. The atmosphere created by Swami, teachers, and staff facilitates learning and self-growth. The ashram location is a great spot to be, very close to the beach. One of my fondest memories is sitting next to Ganga beach right next to the ashram on a full moon night with friends from Gyan Yog Breath. The food is also very good if you enjoy Indian food. If not, there are countless restaurant options, nearby. The education offered here is all encompassing, there are many schools in Rishikesh but this one is building a good reputation due to its hard work. Be open to all that is, accept and know that you are in good hands.



Name: Sinja Melissa, Country: Germany, Course: 200 hour yoga teacher training in April 2022: Die Erfahrung, die ich mit Gyan Yog Breath machen durfte und die weitreichende Ausbildung, die ich empfangen habe, haben in meinem Leben einen weiteren Ruck bewirkt, den ich mir erträumt hatte und nicht erwarten wollte. Selten habe ich mich so sehr zur „richtigen“ Zeit am „richtigen“ Ort gefühlt, wie in den Tagen in Indien. Seither hat sich so vieles bewegt, dass ich mit Freude sagen kann, dass dieses Gefühl nicht in Indien geblieben ist, sondern mich mit nach Hause, nach Deutschland begleitet hat. Mein Leben ist nicht mehr dasselbe und ich bin es auch nicht.

Sicher muss die Erfahrung einer Yoga-Lehrer-Ausbildung nicht für jeden so tief spirituell sein, und doch glaube ich, dass jeder und jede, die den Ruf dorthin spüren, in sich den Wunsch nach Veränderung tragen. Dort ist ein Ort, an dem sich solche Wünsche erfüllen können.

The experience I had with Gyan Yog Breath and the far-reaching training I received have brought about another jolt in my life that I had dreamed of and did not expect. Rarely have I felt so much in the "right" place at the "right" time as I did during those days in India. Since then, so many things have moved that I can say with joy that this feeling did not stay in India, but accompanied me home to Germany. My life is no longer the same and neither am I.

Certainly the experience of a yoga teacher training does not have to be so deeply spiritual for everyone, and yet I believe that everyone who feels the call to go there carries within them the desire to change. There is a place where such desires can be fulfilled

