200 hour yoga teacher training in India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

Where does this 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training take place?

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India takes place at Gyan Yog Breath Ashram in Rishikesh.

Rishikesh is located at the beginning of the Himalayas and has been the primary destination for many sages since ancient times. In search of answers and overcoming life’s struggles, many modern yogis and influential people like the Beatles and the Apple Founder have come to Rishikesh as well.

Due to the large amount of hotels, traffic and yoga schools in Rishikesh, Gyan Yog Breath has settled in the most peaceful and perfectly quiet area of Rishikesh which is located directly at the Tiger Reserve and Ganges River. Here, your 200 hour yoga teacher training in India provides you with tranquility and energy to re-charge.

What Makes this 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India so unique?

During this Yoga Alliance certified 200 Hour yoga teacher training in India, we cover a very comprehensive syllabus including asana, pranayama, meditation, teaching methodology, anatomy, Shatkarma (yogic cleansing) and yoga philosophy. Besides these regular and commonly known subjects, we also teach you Ayurveda Theory, Applied Ayurveda, Kids Yoga, Prenatal Yoga and Emotional Blockage® Treatment. These unique extra modules help you to grow beyond your limits, release past trauma and detox your body. At our 200 Hour yoga teacher training in India, we teach you tangible yogic knowledge so that you can become the best and happiest version of yourself and, if you like, help others, too.

What are the Highlights of this 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India?

We focus on correct asana alignment, adjustments, use of props and variations of asana. We teach you how to make the asanas suitable for all body types and levels of flexibility. We also help you to understand which asanas you can practice and teach at which time of the day, cycle phase, season and mental state. We help you to create a strong and well-balanced practice that suits your unique body and mind. This is the foundation of understanding how to teach others, too. We teach you how to design meaningful and empowering classes for everyone. You will surely learn how to adjust classes according to students with common injuries, diseases and special needs.

Our weekly sharing circles and study groups help you to connect with the other students and teachers on a deeper level, clarify open questions and share your personal experiences.

Which Yoga Style is taught at Gyan Yog Breath’s 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

Yoga is not only about the physical body or making the body sweat. It’s an ancient science and system of eight limbs (parts). In the Western world, only one part of these eight limbs, Asana (Yoga), is popular. At our 200 hour yoga teacher training in India, we teach you all parts of yoga according to its original form, but in a contemporary context. The Asana part or main style here is called Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga is also known as traditional yoga and is the base of all yoga types we know today. It focuses on creating perfect health on all levels and connects body, mind and soul. We also teach you one more modern yoga style called Ashtanga Vinyasa as a variation. 

By learning traditional hatha yoga first, you can create strong roots and a grounded practice so that you can teach any yoga style easily. Whether you wish to teach Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa or another style in future, you can be sure to leave us as a confident and well-educated yoga teacher.

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      How This 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India Benefits Your Personal Life and Career

      This comprehensive 200 hour yoga teacher training in India encourages profound transformation, increased confidence and mental clarity. You will become familiar with the essence of yoga philosophy, spirituality and master the yoga asanas in relation to their balancing and strengthening properties. Daily breathwork (Pranayama), diverse meditation techniques (Dhyan), and a complex understanding of yogic diet, cleansing, and ritual will teach you how to connect to yourself, become a thriving individual and confident yoga teacher.

      Personal attention and small groups enrich your overall experience and fine-tune your practice, awareness and yogic wisdom

      The gained knowledge allows you to understand the human mind, conflicts, and pain better and avoid self-conflicts or confusion

      The course depth enables you to shift your perspective and live the ethics of a yoga teacher

      Being more connected to yourself improves your relationships (partner, family, friends)

      With the recognized 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certification, you can teach yoga internationally and obtain a career

      As a yoga teacher, you can work anywhere at any time; enjoy the freedom of traveling and making a living though sharing your passion

      Becoming a part of the Gyan Yog Breath yoga teacher training family gives you the opportunity to connect with open-minded yogis from all over the world and make long-lasting friendships

      Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is ZPP recognized which means that you can use the hours towards your health insurance cooperation in Germany

      200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India – Focus & Objective

      This 200 hour yoga teacher training familiarizes you with all aspects of yoga, its history, and contemporary impact. You will observe your body, mind, and breath throughout the course and feel the healing properties of yoga asana, pranayama and meditation. By living the yogic principles and following the yogic diet, you will purify your body and calm the restless mind. A great focus is put on the correct alignment, teaching practice and scientific explanations of postures, benefits, and cautions.

      200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus

      • Practice of Hatha Asana (correct alignment, variations, modifications to hands-on adjust your students)
      • Ashtanga Asana (Primary Sequence)
      • Ayurveda and Emotional Blockage® Treatment
      • Applied Ayurveda and Practice of Ayurveda Techniques
      • Teaching Methodology (Sequencing, Art of Teaching & Sample Classes)
      • Class Design through using props, voice and terminology
      • Sanskrit names of postures, meaning, and translations
      • Yoga Anatomy in relation to human physiology and postures
      • Yogic Science, health benefits and contra-indications
      • Spirituality, tradition and rituals
      • Mudras and Mantras
      • Yoga Philosophy, history, and application
      • Ethics and principles of a Yoga Teacher
      • Karma yoga & the Importance of Yoga today
      Fire Ceremony for welcoming the students of yoga teacher training at Gyan Yog Breath

      Detailed Course Curriculum

      Hatha yoga is the foundation of all yoga types that we know today. It allows the practitioner to progress surely, steadily and safely. Hatha Yoga improves concentration, flexibility and focus. With the attention to alignment, use of props and variations, it makes it suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. During the 200 hour Yoga teacher training, the Hatha asana practise provides you with a detailed and strong base, with which you can teach multiple yoga styles later on. The yoga teacher training content will cover all the main hatha yoga asanas (poses) with modifications, variations, and adjustments through props. Learn how to use specific asanas to cure and prevent certain disease or circumstances.

      During the asana classes of your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India you will cover:

      • Sanskrit and English names for the main asana
      • Correct alignment of each posture
      • Variations of Postures
      • Counter-Postures
      • Modification of asanas to prevent injuries and encourage flexibility
      • Hands-on adjustment for beginner to advanced students
      • Inverted Asanas
      • Beginner to Advanced postures
      • Art of Teaching and sequencing
      • Design and structure of a yoga class
      • Use props (belt, bolster, pillow, wall, block) as supporting agents
      • Establish creative and challenging classes using the right voice and words
      • Asana Knowledge in traditional, therapeutic and healing context 
      • Important Contra-Indications and necessary modifications in relation to modern problems (Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis and so on)

      Ashtanga Vinyasa has become a very popular yoga style. As a fast and dynamic form of yoga, ashtanga increases blood circulation and fastens the metabolism. During your yoga teacher training, you will cover the primary ashtanga vinyasa series.

      This includes variations of the sun salutations A, B and C, standing and sitting postures, inversions, spinal twists, jumps, counter-poses and arms balancing.

      During the ashtanga classes of your Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will cover:

      • Introduction to Ashtanga
      • Primary series
      • Primary Ashtanga postures
      • Correct alignment
      • Sanskrit names
      • Physical, mental, and spiritual benefits
      • Body gestures (Mudras & Bandhas)
      • Contraindications of postures
      • Drishtis

      Gyan Yog Breath is the only yoga school in India and worldwide that offers Emotional Blockage® Treatment as an optional part of their yoga teacher training programs.

      It is a practical healing therapy that was established by Swami Bipin Gyan, founder of the school, during his years in complete silence and meditation.

      The Emotional Blockage® Treatment releases accumulated energy and oppressed emotions. Free your mind from past trauma, pain and fluctuations.

      During the 200 hour yoga teacher training in India, you will learn how to receive the treatment, remove your own blockages and give this treatment to others.

      Besides the practise, you will learn about emotions in general, the 50 body points and which emotions are stored in which part of the body.

      Prayama – as an important part of yoga – develops a holistic expansion of consciousness and awakens the chakras and dormant energies. Through breath control, our mental and physical patterns are modified. The purifying benefits of pranayama lead to self-realisation and optimum health.

      During the Pranayama classes of your yoga teacher training in India, you will be introduced to Chandra Bhedi, Surya Bhedi, Anulom Viloma, Ujjayi Breath, Sitkari, Nadi Shodhan, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari and Kumbakh.

      You will learn how to teach and incorporate pranayama into your own classes and study:

      • 7 kinds of breaths
      • Various breathing patterns and their meaning
      • The Natural breath
      • 7 Regulation of breath for stress management
      • Calming nature of pranayama
      • Relaxing benefits of the 10 main techniques
      • Retention
      • Diaphragmatic breath
      • Yogic Breathing 
      • The Benefits and Contra-Indications of every single Pranayama Technique 
      • Pranayama Teaching Practice

      Shatkarma is a Sankrit term and means the six actions. These six actions include physical purification techniques with enriching mental, energetic and spiritual benefits. They aim to reduce mucous and toxins from your body, so that you can progress in your yogic journey.

      During your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn three out of the six:

      • Jala Neti
      • Sutra Neti
      • Shankh Prakshalan 

      Our mind is always working. This is totally normal. Meditation is not about quieting the mind and shutting out all thoughts. It’s rather a practise to listen to your inner voice and gain clarity, patience and strength. It is difficult to describe meditation in a word. It can only be felt through personal experience.

      For a meditation beginner, it is almost impossible to sit down and meditate without moving for an hour or more. That’s why you will learn different techniques to enter the state of meditation easily. During your Yoga Teacher Training, you will cover various meditation types such as Kundalini Meditation, Osho meditation, Power of Transformation Meditation, Candle Light Meditation, Dancing Meditation & Sound Meditation.

      Meditation nourishes the practitioner with joy, self-confidence and acceptance. It lets us recognize that we belong to something much bigger than just our body and mind.

      During the Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will cover:

      • Introduction to Meditation 
      • Self-observation
      • Silent Meditation
      • Breathing Meditation 
      • Candle Light Meditation
      • Om Meditation
      • Transformational Meditation

      The Power of Transformation is a meditation technique that aims to reduce the toxic carbon dioxide levels of your body. With seven steps, this meditation practise gives you a feeling of lightness and peace. The technique was invented by Swami Bipin Gyan. He developed the Power of Transformation practise for the fast-thinking, efficient western mind in order to experience bliss, transformation and silence.

      The benefits:

      1. Mental peace
      2. Physical health
      3. A clear vision
      4. Strong mind
      5. Supportive thoughts
      6. Removal of negative energies
      7. Physical detox

      The Philosophy behind yoga is as important as the practise itself. Understanding the how’s and why’s behind spirituality, growth and healing powers of yoga, will encourage you to be the best version of yourself and a knowledgeable yoga instructor.

      During the yoga teacher training in India, you will get introduced to the Indian Yogic Philosophy and cover various concepts of Yoga according to Patanjali. You will study the Yamas and Niyamas, foundation of yoga, history of yoga, concept of Gods, Samkya philosophy, PanchVritti, PanchKlesha and Gita.

      The Philosophy classes are held interactively, so you can ask many questions for clarification. We provide all books for you as well as a helpful study guide.

      As a yoga instructor and practitioner, you should be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of yoga. Perfect health states that all body systems work in harmony together. If one of the systems is out of balance, all others are disturbed and cannot function properly anymore.

      In the Anatomy classes of your yoga teacher training, you will learn about the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, endocrine and digestive system and how they are related to yoga. We pay special attention to how yoga positively impacts the physical body and hormonal glands.

      Gyan Yog Breath has their own Ayurvedic Doctor. Dr Vipul Kumar is available for ayurvedic consultations and pulse diagnosis throughout the course (no additional charge). He will teach the Ayurveda classes during the yoga teacher training in India.

      You will learn about:

      • The Doshas: Pitta, Vatta, Kapha
      • The Gunas
      • Ayurvedic herbs and spicesra
      • Health according to Ayurveda
      • Nutrition according to Ayurveda
      • The origin, benefit and importance of Ayurveda
      • Its relation to Yoga
      • How to balance your dosha
      • Dietary recommendations according to the dosha

      During the yoga teacher training in India with Gyan Yog Breath, you will get the chance to discover your inner space while practising mantras. Mantras are used to free the mind from its limitations and let the soul resonate with the universal sound. Furthermore, chanting mantras promotes world peace, lifts the group energy and purifies the environment. 

      During the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, you will learn and be able to chant:

      • Gayatri Mantra 
      • Shiva Mantra
      • World Peace Mantra
      • Food Mantra
      About the Food Mantra
      Before every meal, we will chant a food mantra all together to value our meal, feel gratitude and calmness before eating. The idea is to be present and understand that the food nourishes our body and mind. In the yogic path, we encourage a healthy and positive relationship with food.

      As an aspiring yoga instructor, you have to be familiar with structuring your class and creating a suitable environment for your students. During the Teaching methodology and practice, we teach you how to plan and prepare your own classes. You will learn how to apply the right techniques and modifications in different situations. Learn some secrets and tips from our experienced teachers:

      • Design a unique class
      • Follow a certain theme
      • Structure and time management
      • Diverse teaching tools
      • Expand your focus individually
      • Learn through mistakes and take notes
      • Time Management
      • Safety during class
      • How to set up and provide a positive environment
      • Attention Distribution
      • Use of Props and Variations for less advanced students
      • Rules, Ethics and Regulations
      • Get one-on-one feedback from your supervising teacher

      Applied Ayurveda means that you will move from your theoretical knowledge of Ayurveda into practice. During your yoga teacher training, we will teach you how to:

      • make Ayurvedic liver detox tea
      • do Ayurvedic face and hair masks
      • do Ayurvedic Gardening
      • Detox your body according to Ayurveda
      • make Tulsi and herbal Tea
      • Abhyanga (Self-Massage) with Ayurvedic oils
      • use Ayurvedic supplements like Shilajit and Chawanprash 

      Karma Yoga means selfless action. Here we will take some actions for humanity and common wealth. This can include preparing workshops, painting/decorating the ashram and serving food.

      Next Available 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 2024 - 2025 Dates

      October 2024: 01/10/2024 – 18/10/2024

      Admission Closed

      November 2024: 01/11/2024 – 18/11/2024

      Available seats: 1

      December 2024: 01/12/2024 – 18/12/2024

      Available seats: 2

      January 2025: 06/01/2025 – 23/01/2025

      Available seats: 2

      February 2025: 01/02/2025 -18/02/2025

      Available seats: 2

      March 2025: 01/03/2025 – 18/03/2025

      Available seats: 2

      April 2025: 01/04/2025 -18/04/2025

      Available seats: 3

      May 2025: 01/05/2025 -18/05/2025

      Available seats: 5

      July 2025: 01/07/2025 -18/07/2025

      Available seats: 4

      August 2025: 01/08/2025 -18/08/2025

      Available seats: 5

      September 2025: 01/09/2025 -18/09/2025

      Available seats: 6

      October 2025: 01/10/2025 -18/10/2025

      Available seats: 7

      November 2025: 01/11/2025 -18/11/2025

      Available seats: 8

      December 2025: 01/12/2025 -18/12/2025

      Available seats:8

      200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Schedule

      Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
      07:00AM - 08:00AM
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      08:00AM - 08:30AM
      Tea Break
      Tea Break
      Tea Break
      08:30AM - 10:00AM
      Hatha Asana with Alignment
      Hatha Asana with Alignment
      10:00AM - 11:00AM
      11:00AM - 12:00PM
      Yoga Anatomy
      Teaching Practice
      12:00PM -01:00PM
      Yogic Philosophy
      Yogic Philosophy
      01:00PM - 02:00PM
      Fruits and Tea
      Fruits and Tea
      Fruits and Tea
      03:00PM - 04:00PM
      Applied Ayurveda
      Teaching Methodology
      Karma Yoga
      04:00PM - 05:30PM
      Hatha Asana
      Hatha Asana
      Teaching Practice
      06:00PM - 07:00PM
      Emotional Blockage Treatment
      Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
      6:00AM - 7:15AM
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      Advanced Pranayama & Meditation
      7:15AM - 7:30AM
      Herbal Tea Break
      Herbal Tea Break
      Herbal Tea Break
      7:30AM - 9:30AM
      Hatha Yoga Practice
      Ashtanga Yoga Practice
      Hatha Yoga Practice
      9:30AM - 10:00 AM
      Applied Ayurveda
      Emotional Blockage
      10:00AM - 10:30AM
      10:30AM - 12:15PM
      Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Sutras)
      Yoga Philosophy (Bhagavad Gita)
      Ayurveda & Yogic Lifestyle
      1:00PM - 2:45PM
      Anatomy & Physiology
      Anatomy & Physiology
      Anatomy & Physiology
      3:00PM - 4:30PM
      Teaching Methodology (Class Sequencing)
      Teaching Methodology (Cueing & Adjustments)
      Teaching Methodology (Using Props)
      4:30PM - 5:45PM
      Extra Asana Lab
      Extra Asana Lab
      Extra Asana Lab
      5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
      Practicum (Teaching Practice)
      Practicum (Practice Teaching)
      Practicum (Final Teaching Practice)
      7:15PM - 8:00PM

      We provide 7 Comprehensive Course Books as PDFs for you prior to course begin

      Feedback From Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Students

      Course Fees & Prices

      This is a residential 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh, India. The course fee includes the complete course, course materials, food, accommodation & more.

      Special Discount

      (valid until 31st October 2024)


      Only for women
      • 559$

      twin shared

      shared accommodation
      • 1119$


      • 1349$

      Friend Discount:

      • Bring one friend to the training and receive (each) $50 USD off additionally
      • Bring Two friend to the training and receive (each) $100 USD off additionally

      The Course Fee includes:

      • 19 days Accommodation
      • Attached private bathroom
      • Hot water shower and private balcony or small terrace
      • All vegetarian or vegan meals • Unlimited fruits during afternoon break
      • 4 printed course books
      • 2 booklets
      • 1 teaching guide
      • 7 course books as PDFs in advance
      • One weekend excursion to local sights
      • A school T-Shirt
      • All course materials like Neti Pot, Rudraksh Mal and Sutra Neti
      • A new yoga mat to keep
      • A taxi transfer from Dehradun airport to Rishikesh on the arrival day

      Please Note:- For AC or Heating we charge 200$ for extra per month.

      Important Information

      Assessment and Evaluation

      Yoga Alliance Certification

      Curriculum & Class Hours

      Certification provided to our student who completed his 200 hour yoga teacher training at Gyan Yog Breath, Rishikeh, India


      The Gyan Yog Breath Ashram in Rishikesh has 20 comfortable private and shared rooms. Each category has an attached bathroom and hot water. All rooms have an attached balcony or terrace, some have a beautiful Ganges and Himalaya View as well.

      The ashram is equipped with two big yoga shala with attached bathroom, restaurant, solar-panel system, roof-top terrace and sitting space. Here, we generate at least 95% of our energy through solar energy which makes it the most sustainable ashram in Rishikesh.

      The roof-top is decorated with plants that are used in Ayurveda including roses, turmeric, aloe vera and tulsi. From the terrace, yoga shala and restaurant, you can enjoy a beautiful view to the national park, foothills of Himalaya and holy Ganges River. There is also a garden with plats, flowers and self-grown fruits like Banana and Papaya.

      The restaurant/dining hall – where buffet-style meals are served – is equipped with tables, benches & filtration system.

      At the library lounge, you can study and use our computer for your research. 

      The Gyan Yog Breath Ashram is sourrounded by nature and provides the perfect setting and oasis of peace for a yogic journey within. You will be able to listen to the bird and nature sounds while diving deeply into your practice and making unforgettable memories.

      About Nutrition & Food

      Lunch at Yoga Teacher Training institute Gyan Yog Breath

      During your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, you will be served two delicious vegetarian meals per day – including Sundays (if required).

      For Brunch (10:15AM), we serve tea, seasonal fruits, sweet or salty porridge, home-made coconut and soy milk, oats, Indian Breakfast (Poha or Paratha), home-made peanut butter and bread.

      For Dinner (7:30PM), we serve seasonal vegetables, rice, chapati, pulses (dhal), soups and salads. Sometimes, we will serve some Western and sweet dishes for more variety.

      Please inform us about any allergies, intolerances or dietary restrictions. Our cooks will be happy to prepare suitable meals for you.

      We cater to vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free as well.  We provide vegetarian meals only (No Meat, Egg or Fish).

      If you have any allergies or restrictions, please let us know in advance.


      The confirmation fee of 200 USD has to be paid in advance and is non-refundable.

      Each student’s social behavior is of great importance. The student must follow the ashram rules at any time.

      All School Terms & Conditions Apply  Read More

      Further Regulations and Refund Policy

      • At Gyan Yog Breath, we tolerate and respect any individual, ethnicity and belief
      • The confirmation fee has to be paid in advance and in non-refundable
      •  Read more about our Terms and Conditions


      What is a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

      200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is a full immersion into yoga, meditation, yoga philosophy, alternative healing therapies and traditional yogic philosophy. Such a yoga training is an educational program which enables you to 1. advance your personal yoga practice and 2. learn how to teach yoga. A 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is the level 1 step towards a professional expertise, increased confidence and personal evolution.

      What does RYT 200 (and ERYT 200) stand for?

      RYT 200 stands for Registered Yoga Teacher who completed 200 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training accredited by Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance is the worlds most respected standard for Yoga teacher training programs and sets a pretty high level. Once you complete your 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance registered school (RYS 200), you will be certified with a 200 Hour certification that makes you eligible to register as RYT 200. After two years from your day of registration, you can upgrade your status to ERYT 200 which stands for Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher. You will need to have at least 1000 hours of teaching students to upgrade.

      Can you teach yoga without a certification?

      Anyone can do anything, however it’s not recommended to teach yoga without a certification (qualification). It’s not actually about the certification, but about your ability to teach yoga safely and be responsible for your students. In most countries, you will need to have a certification that proves that you completed a Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher training in order to legally work or start your own business. Most employers who offer yoga jobs will ask you immediately about 1. where you learnt yoga and  2. your Yoga Alliance certification. So, no, you should not (and it will be difficult) to teach yoga without certification.

      Can I do a yoga teacher training as a beginner?

      If your intention is to advance your understanding of yoga and grow personally, then yes! A level 1 yoga teacher training (100 or 200 Hours) is suitable for yoga beginner to intermediates. There is a difference between total beginner and beginner. If you are a total beginner and never did yoga before, we recommend to first of all try out some classes. You should be sure, that you enjoy yoga and want to learn it from A to Z. Don’t forget: a yoga teacher training will be challenging both physically and mentally. Once you sign up for a yoga teacher training, make sure to continue your practice so you can prepare physically. Most yoga school recommend at least 6 month yoga practice prior course start.

      When do I know that I’m ready for a yoga teacher training?

      You are always ready for a new adventure, life-changing experience and heart-opening journey! If you enjoy yoga, want to dive deeper into it and turn your passion into a career or way of helping others, then you are ready for a yoga teacher training. There is no right moment to decide, just go for it if it’s been on your mind for some time and you really feel that your heart is telling you to do it. A yoga teacher training is suitable for everyone- literally everyone!

      Is it safe to travel to India as a solo female?

      The answer is yes! It’s absolutely safe. Actually, 75% of all yoga students who come to India are actually female solo travellers. India is a very friendly, hospitable and compassionate country with kind-hearted and lovely people. You will be surprised how conscious, relaxed and helpful everyone is from showing you the way, carrying your bags, inviting you for chai and feeling proud that you visit India. At Gyan Yog Breath we encourage solo-travellers and support you on each step. From the first e-mail exchange, travel planning, airport pick up to drop off-off, we make sure that you feel comfortable, safe and understood. Our international team is reachable 24/7.

      How do I register myself as RYT 200?

      To register yourself as RYT 200, you need to open the Yoga Alliance website. After creating an account, uploading your 200 Hour Certification and getting accepted, you will be entitled as RYT 200. There is a yearly fee that you need to pay to Yoga Alliance to keep your status activated. Make sure to recently update your profile, add your teaching hours and upgrade to ERYT 200 after two years.
