500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

What’s a 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India?

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India is an intensive yoga course that covers all foundational and more advanced areas of yoga from A to Z. 

It is designed for individuals who are serious about deepening their understanding and practice of yoga, as well as those who aspire to become certified yoga teachers. 

The 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath takes 40 days and covers a wide range of topics, including asana, therapeutic yoga, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodologyand Ayurveda. It offers a deep and practical exploration of the yogic principles and techniques in a safe and caring ashram environment. 

The residential 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India prepares you to teach yoga at the highest level of accreditation with Yoga Alliance USA. You can call yourself RYT-500 (Registered Yoga Teacher with 500 hours of training) after successfully completing this yoga teacher training. You can use this certification as an entry step towards opening your own studio anywhere in the world.

The 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath consist of the 18-day 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and 21-day 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. 

There will be a study holiday between both courses from the 19th until the 31st. During this time, you have time to practice your new skills and rejuvenate. It’s a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature and mountains around Rishikesh while reflecting on your new wisdom. 

What Makes This 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India so special?

During our 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India you will not only learn the basic and more advanced practices and principles of yoga. We train you in various fields of therapeutic yoga, too, so that you learn how to teach students with different needs. Yoga is for everybody! We teach you how to design and hold classes for:

  • pregnant women
  • children of all age groups
  • senior citizens (chair yoga)
  • diabetics (type 1+2)
  • people with hypertension 
  • people with back pain
  • people with anxiety
  • people with depression 
  • corporates (company yoga)
During the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn what to keep in mind when teaching such audiences, which asana and pranayama techniques to do and avoid, how to modify asanas, integrate props and explain the relevant benefits. We equip you with a sample lesson plan for each audience group and give you the opportunity to gain teaching experience in the areas that interest you most.

You will be able to develop confidence in your individual teaching style and gain an immense knowledge about the wonderful and powerful world of therapeutic yoga, that naturally assists practitioners to feel bettercreate balance and reduce symptoms of dis-eases.

During the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will have at least six opportunities to teach your own 60-minute classes. This helps you to immediately feel ready to teach yoga professionally after course completion. Without hesitation and lots of confidence, you will be able to follow your passion and offer a diverse range of classes suitable for various groups of people.

Besides the therapeutic yoga, the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India also integrates Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and Emotional Blockage Treatment. You will learn about the concepts of Ayurveda, practice Applied Ayurveda and learn how to adjust the yoga practice and diet to the elements and dosha (type) of your body.

The Emotional Blockage Treatment is an alternative healing therapy that releases accumulated and oppressed emotions from your body. This practical course module allows you to let go of trauma and past pain while elevating your energy levels and creating space.

The Emotional Blockage Treatment is an alternative healing therapy that releases accumulated and oppressed emotions from your body. This practical course module allows you to let go of trauma and past pain while elevating your energy levels and creating space.

Additionally, our small class sizes provide you with lots of personalized attention and guidance, ensuring that you receive the support and feedback you will need to thrive in your yoga journey. Gyan Yog Breath is a very supportive, uplifting and empowering place that will feel like family and being at home away from home

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      The Emotional Blockage Treatment is an alternative healing therapy that releases accumulated and oppressed emotions from your body. This practical course module allows you to let go of trauma and past pain while elevating your energy levels and creating space.

      Additionally, our small class sizes provide you with lots of personalized attention and guidance, ensuring that you receive the support and feedback you will need to thrive in your yoga journey. Gyan Yog Breath is a very supportive, uplifting and empowering place that will feel like family and being at home away from home

      How Can this 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India benefit your personal and professional life?

      This 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training allows you to experience personal growth, self-discovery and inner healing. On a personal level, you can expect to feel more calm and joyful which positively affects all areas of your life. You get to build stronger relationships, feel more content with yourself and find a new purpose. By learning to apply the yogic techniques at the right time, you can easily create balance in your everyday life, manage stress and overcome fears.

      From a professional standpoint, completing this 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India opens the doors to various career opportunities. With the RYT-500 certification, you can teach beginner to advanced level classes, therapeutic yoga and obtain work in wellness centers, retreats, community centers, universities and studios worldwide. 

      For our German students, we can assist in obtaining a health insurance cooperation.

      Detailed Course Curriculum

      During your 500 hour yoga teacher training in India, Hatha Yoga provides a great and strong foundation, with which you can teach multiple yoga forms later on. The YTT content will cover all traditional asanas (poses) with modifications, variations, and adjustments through props. We encourage the scientific and therapeutic approach of yoga so you will learn how to practice and teach safely and understand the immense impacts, benefits and cautions of each asana thoroughly. Our main Asana style is Hatha Yoga. You will learn:

      Ashtanga Yoga has become a very popular yoga style. As a fast and dynamic form of yoga, ashtanga increases blood circulation, reduces body fat and fastens the metabolism. During your 500 hour yoga teacher training, you will cover the ashtanga vinyasa series.

      This includes variations of the sun salutations A, B and C, standing and sitting postures, inversions, spinal twists, jumps, counter-poses and arms balancing.

      During the ashtanga classes of your 500 hour yoga teacher training, you will cover:

      • Primary series
      • Primary Ashtanga postures
      • Correct alignment
      • Sanskrit names
      • Physical, mental, and spiritual benefits
      • Body gestures (Mudras & Bandhas)
      • Contraindications of postures

      Pranayama – as an important part of yoga – develops a holistic expansion of consciousness and awakens the chakras and dormant energies. Through breath control, our mental and physical patterns are modified. The purifying benefits of pranayama lead to self-realisation and optimum health.

      During the Pranayama classes of your 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you will be introduced to Chandrabhedana, AnulomViloma,Ujjayi,Sitkari, NadiShodhan, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Kumbakh and Suryabhedena.

      You will learn how to teach and incorporate pranayama into your own classes and study:

      • 7 kinds of breaths
      • Various breathing patterns and their meaning
      • The Natural breath
      • 7 Regulation of breath for stress management
      • Calming nature of pranayama
      • Relaxing benefits of the 10 main techniques
      • 7 Retention
      • Diaphragmatic breath

      Shatkarmais a Sankrit term and means the six actions. These six actions include physical purification techniques with enriching mental, energetic and spiritual benefits.

      During your 500 hour yoga teacher training, you will learn:

      • JalaNeti
      • Kunjala
      • Sutra Neti
      • Shankapraskalan
      • Dhauti 

      Our mind is always working. That is totally normal. Meditation is not about quieting the mind and shutting out all thoughts. It’s rather a practise to listen to your inner voice and gain clarity, patience and strength. It is difficult to describe meditation in a word. It can only be felt through personal experience.

      For a meditation beginner, it is almost impossible to sit down and meditate without moving for an hour or more. That’s why you will learn different techniques to enter the state of meditation easily. During your Yoga Teacher Training, you will cover various meditation types such as Kundalini Meditation, Dynamic meditation, Power of Transformation Meditation, Candle Light Meditation, Dancing Meditation & Sound Meditation.

      Meditation nourishes the practitioner with joy, self-confidence and acceptance. It lets us recognize that we belong to something much bigger than just our body and mind.

      The Power of Transformation is a meditation technique that aims to reduce the toxic and carbon dioxide levels of your body. With seven steps, this meditation practise gives you a feeling of lightness and peace. The technique was invented by Bipin Gyan. He developed the Power of Transformation practise for the fast-thinking, efficient western mind in order to experience bliss, transformation and silence.

      The benefits:

      1. Mental peace
      2. Physical health
      3. A clear vision
      4. Strong mind
      5. Supportive thoughts
      6. Removal of negative energies
      7. Physical detox

      The Philosophy behind yoga is as important as the practise itself. Understanding the how’s and why’s behind spirituality, growth and healing powers of yoga, will encourage you to be the best version of yourself and a knowledgeable yoga instructor.

      During the yoga teacher training in India, you will get introduced to the Indian Yogic Philosophy and cover various concepts of Yoga according to Patanjali. You will study the Yamas and Niyamas, foundation of yoga, history of yoga, concept of Gods, Samkya philosophy, PanchVritti, PanchKlesha and Gita.

      As a yoga instructor and practitioner, you should be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of yoga. Perfect health states that all body systems work in harmony together. If one of the systems is out of balance, all others are disturbed and cannot function properly anymore.

      In the Anatomy classes of your 500 hour yoga teacher training, you will learn about the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, endocrine and digestive system and how they are related to yoga.

      During the 500 hour yoga teacher training with Gyan Yog Breath, you will get the chance to discover your inner space while practising mantras. Mantras are used to free the mind from its limitations and let the soul resonate with the universal sound. Furthermore, chanting mantras promotes world peace, lifts the group energy and purifies the environment. You will chant:

      • Gayatri Mantra
      • Pranava Japa
      • Svasti Mantra
      • Food Mantra 
      • Shiva Mantra 
      • World Peace Mantra

      For you as an aspiring yoga teacher, Teaching Methodology is an important part to become familiar with preparing your own classes. During the 500 hour yoga teacher training in India, you will learn how to:

      • Structure and design a 60 min & 90 min class
      • Create a suitablesetting
      • Modify your class according to your student’s injuries/physical condition
      • Correct postures (hands-on)
      • Expand your individual focus
      • Connect with your students
      • Learn through reflection
      • Apply the right techniques in different situations
      • Co-teaching
      • Make Indian yogic philosophy accessible to a beginner
      • Audience-Based Teaching
      • Time-Management
      •  Sequencing and Structure
      • Introduction to Prenatal, Kids, Chair and Diabetics Yoga

      As we know, body and mind are closely connected. Repetitive negative thoughts in our mind manifest in our body as blockages causing weakness, impatience, and disease. Through the Emotional Blockage® Treatment, body blockages are removed so the energy can flow at its maximum again. This treatment is an OPTIONAL part of our 500-hour yoga teacher training course. Over the 55 days in your yoga teacher training, you will feel lighter and free. Everyone knows yoga isn’t just about the positions, but not everyone has the spiritual insight to unlock the inner life.

      500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training IndiaWe carry around in our bodies the stress from modern life and trauma from our past. Swami Ji systematically applies pressure to areas of your body where this emotional blockages® are locked. After some period of pain, there comes complete release- and many people are surprised to see what comes bubbling up from their deep past. Swamiji doesn’t support temporary fixes or encourage dependency, so he’ll teach you body-awareness and breathing techniques to maintain your re-balanced freedom. You won’t find another 500 hour teacher training in India that offers such attention on emotional release. Here at Gyan Yog Breath, it is understood that becoming a yoga teacher means more than only learning asana, pranayama, anatomy & philosophy.The teaching approach of this course is rather practical than theoretical and demands patience, practice, and surrender.

      This treatment was invented by Swami Bipin Gyan and is only taught at Gyan Yog Breath. During the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will learn about:

      • The body points
      • Releasing accumulated emotions
      • Treatment Structure
      • Treatment Practice
      • Relationship between emotional accumulation in body and thought pattern

      Gyan Yog Breath has their own Ayurvedic Doctor. Dr Vipul Kumar is available for ayurvedic consultations and pulse diagnosis. He will teach the Ayurveda classes during the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training.

      You will learn about:

      • The Doshas: Pitta, Vatta, Kapha
      • The Gunas
      • Ayurvedic herbs and spicesra
      • Health according to Ayurveda
      • Nutrition according to Ayurveda
      • The origin, benefit and importance of Ayurveda
      • Its relation to Yoga
      • How to balance your dosha
      • Dietary recommendations according to the dosha

      Next Available 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India Dates

      March 2025: 01/03/2025


      Note:- Currently this course is only available as Hybrid Version. This means that you study the first 200 hours with us in Rishikesh (1st until 19th of every month) and the remaining 300 hours are completed online within 1-24 months as per your preference. The online part includes a variety of learning components such as journaling, live classes via Zoom and course work.

      500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Schedule

      Time Week 1+2 Week 3+4 Week 5+6
      07:00AM – 08:00AM
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      Pranayama and Shatkarma
      08:00AM – 08:15AM
      Tea Break
      Tea Break
      Tea Break
      08:15AM – 09:45AM
      Hatha Asana with Alignment & props
      Hatha Asana with Alignment & props
      Hatha Asana with Alignment & props
      09:45AM – 11:00AM
      11:00AM -12:00PM
      Yoga Philosophy
      Yoga Philosophy
      Yoga Philosophy
      12:00PM -01:00PM
      Karma Yoga
      01:00PM – 02:00PM
      Fruits and Tea
      Fruits and Tea
      Fruits and Tea
      03:00PM – 04:00PM
      Teaching Methodology
      Applied Ayurveda
      Therapeutic Yoga
      04:00PM -05:30PM
      Hatha Asana
      Hatha Asana
      06:00PM -07:00PM
      Emotional Blockage® Treatment
      Power of Transformation Meditation

      Course Fees & Prices

      This is a residential 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program. The fee includes the course, course materials, food, accommodation & more.

      tWIN sHARED

      $ 4000


      $ 4400

      Limited Early Bird Discounts:

      • Reserve your space 2 months before you start the course & the price will be USD 3900.
      • Reserve your space 3 months before you start the course & the price will be USD 3800
      • Reserve your space 4 months before starting the course, Price will be-USD 3600.

      Friend Discount:

      • Bring one friend to the training and receive (each) $50 USD off additionally
      • Bring Two friend to the training and receive (each) $100 USD off additionally

      The Course Fee includes:

      • 40 days comfortable accommodation
      • Both type of Accommodation have hot water and attached private bathroom
      • 2 vegetarian or vegan meals per day + unlimited fruits
      • Unlimited herbal teas and filtered water
      • Cleansing process materials
      • 6 printed course books on site and 12 books as PDF in advance
      • One white yoga t-shirt
      • A meditation necklace & a new yoga mat
      • Yoga Alliance Certification (after successful completion)
      • Taxi pick up from Dehradun Airport​
      • 2 Ayurvedic consultations and frequent guidance through our doctor​

      Please note: For a private room, AC or Heating we charge 120$ for each extra per month

      Yoga Teacher Training in India At Gyan Yog Breath


      The Gyan Yog Breath Ashram is located in Visthapit, Rishikesh.

      The building has 20 comfortable single and double rooms with attached bathroom. Some rooms have an attached balcony as well.

      During your 500 hour yoga teacher training with us, you can choose between a single or double room.

      We have an one bright and spacious yoga halls. On the roof top, we have a restaurant, terrace and hanging out area with sitting space. The roof top is decorated with green plants and provides a beautiful 360° mountain view.

      We have extra toilets attached to the yoga halls.

      On Saturdays, our roof top hang out space, turns into a movie theatre. You can watch a movie and at the same time enjoy the sky full of stars.

      The Restaurant is also equipped with benches and tables.


      Lunch at Yoga Teacher Training institute Gyan Yog Breath

      During your 500 hour yoga teacher training, you will receive two freshly prepared meals per day plus unlimited fruits throughout the day.

      For Brunch we serve seasonal fruits, sweet or salty porridge, Oats, Soy milk, Indian Breakfast and teas, vegetables and sides.

      Dinner consists of changing cooked vegetables, rice, chapati, pulses (dhal), soups and salads. Sometimes we serve also sweets as desert and Western dishes for more variety.

      We provide vegetarian meals only.

      If you have any allergies or restrictions, please let us know in advance.

      Student Behaviour

      Each student must follow the ashram rules at any time during the course.  Read More


      • The food offered during our Course is vegetarian (or vegan) only. We do not serve or allow meat, fish or eggs.
      • The Confirmation Fee must be paid in advance and is non-refundable.