Yoga Teacher Training | Hilfe bei der Auswahl


Dieser Artikel bietet dir Hilfe bei der Auswahl deines Yoga Teacher Training Kurses. Qualitativ hochwertige Tipps und was zu beachten ist. Eine riesen Anzahl an Yogaschulen, verschiedene Konzepte. Viele Yogaschulen erwarten, dass du eine regelmäßige (meist einjährige) Yoga Praxis nachweisen kannst bevor du dich für ein Yoga Teacher Training (Yoga Ausbildung) anmelden kannst. Das ist […]

Karma Yoga: What is Karma Yoga and how can you practice it daily?

A step towards clean Ganga by the students of Gyan Yog Breath

When I first arrived at my yoga teacher training course in India, I was enthusiastic to find out that our course schedule not only included asana, pranayama and meditation classes but also ayurveda and Emotional Blockage® Treatment. But the one class that took me by surprise was Karma Yoga. I’ve always known about karma and yoga, but […]

How to Actually Feel More Grounded In Your Everyday Life – Practical Tips

Yoga Exercise At Gyan Yog Breath

I’ve been practicing yoga exercise for over a year now. My initial intention was to have regular yoga exercise for physical benefits such as to lose weight, to be flexible, to have a stronger core, however sooner I felt that it doesn’t only affect my physical condition but also mentally, emotionally psychologically, and spiritually which […]

How Can I stick to My Practice after A Yoga Teacher Training? 6 Simple Tricks

Gyan Yog Breath Yoga Teacher Training Certification

How Can I stick to My Practice after A Yoga Teacher Training? 6 Simple Tricks Have you completed a yoga teacher training recently and wonder how to stick to your practice, cope with your new knowledge and get started teaching? First of all, congratulations on taking this mile-stone and committing to a transformational journey within! […]

How Yoga Can Remove Neck And Shoulder Pain


How Yoga Can Remove Neck And Shoulder Pain According to master yoga teacher, Aadil Palkhivala, “true yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person […]

How Yoga can Help to Improve Your Digestion

yoga and digestion

How Yoga Can Help Improve Digestion As societies progress, there is a shift in the economic structure of a country. Gradually, there is an increase in demand for jobs that are intellectually intensive and a decrease in the demand for labor-intensive jobs. This increases the proportion of the working population with a sedentary lifestyle, affecting […]

How Yoga Can Help You With Losing Excess Weight

reducing excesss body weight by yoga

My name is Miriam and I battled with my bodyweight since I was a teenager. I don’t think I ever got to the point of technically being obese, but at some point, I was 40 pounds heavier than I am today, so you can safely say I know enough about living in a body that […]

30 Minute Post-Work Yoga to Reduce Stress

yoga and digestion

Most jobs nowadays are focused on mental strength. We are constantly challenged to read, write, discuss, argue or create ideas with our mind. We become more and more efficient in a shorter period of time while forgetting about our health and mental well-being. 200 years ago, most jobs were still related to physical work such […]
