What is a Yoga Teacher Training Course Really Like?

Before I embarked on my yoga teacher training course at Gyan Yog Breath, I had a whirlwind of questions and uncertainties. I had read the syllabus, understood the schedule, and delved into the description, but there were so many gaps that could only be filled through personal experience.

  • What would my fellow students be like?
  • Why were they taking the course?
  • Would I be the least proficient?
  • How would my body handle the intensity of daily yoga practice?

And, perhaps most daunting, what would it be like to immerse myself in this experience for an entire month, disconnected from the outside world? These questions loomed large, but now, having successfully completed the training, I’m excited to share a detailed account of my yoga teacher training experience at Gyan Yog Breath in India.

Yoga Teacher Training

The Place

The yoga teacher training took place at the peaceful Gyan Yog Breath Ashram in Rishikesh, India, nestled on the banks of the Ganges River. This location was truly magical. The ashram’s tranquil setting was perfect for deepening my practice. 

My accommodation was comfortable, with a view of the lush greenery and the flowing river. Every morning, the soft chirping of birds and the gentle rustling of the leaves created a calming atmosphere, setting the tone for our daily practices. I had a little balcony on which I watched the river during my breaks and honestly, the place was idyllic.

The surroundings were a world away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing us to fully focus on our yoga teacher training. The ashram’s yoga shala, overlooking the river, was an inspiring place where we practiced and studied. The natural beauty and peaceful environment played a significant role in making the experience unforgettable.

The Food

The food at Gyan Yog Breath was nothing short of exceptional. Prepared by local chefs skilled in creating nourishing and balanced meals, every dish was a delight. Brunch usually consisted of a variety of fresh fruits, homemade porridge and soy milk, Ayurvedic dishes, veggies and sides. We occasionally enjoyed traditional Indian breakfasts, like savory parathas with home-made yogurt.

Dinner was always a highlight after a long day, with a selection of delicious and wholesome vegetarian and vegan dishes. I particularly enjoyed the flavorful dal and the tasty vegetable curries. The food was not only satisfying but also tailored to support our intense training schedule, helping us to stay energized and focused throughout the day. We had fresh fruits like bananas, mangoes, papayas and water melon available throughout the day, too.

The Teachers

The instructors at Gyan Yog Breath were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. I especially enjoyed Himani’s, Dr Kumar’s and Bipin’s classes! Our teachers brought a wealth of expertise to the training. Their approach was both nurturing and challenging, encouraging us to push our limits while ensuring we practiced safely.

I particularly appreciated the personal attention and feedback provided by the teachers. They were approachable and always available to answer questions or provide additional guidance. Their passion for yoga was infectious, and their dedication to helping us become skilled teachers was evident in every interaction. The supportive and open atmosphere created a strong sense of community among us

Learning the Art of Adjusting

One of the most valuable aspects of the training was learning how to adjust and modify poses for different body types and levels of flexibility. This skill is crucial for any yoga teacher, as it ensures that all students can benefit from the practice. We spent considerable time learning how to use props effectively, which enhanced our ability to offer modifications and adjustments.

The practice sessions were intense but rewarding. We focused on alignment, adjustments, and variations of asanas, allowing us to understand how to tailor practices for individual needs. This hands-on experience was instrumental in building our confidence as future yoga teachers.

The Students

Our group was small, with only fifteen students in total, which allowed for a more personalized and immersive experience. My fellow trainees came from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique strengths and perspectives to the course. Some were more experienced practitioners looking to deepen their knowledge, while others were beginners eager to embark on a new path. But whether flexible or not, we were all beginner in terms of real, authentic and non-westernized yoga. It was amazing!

Despite our varying levels of experience, we supported and learned from each other. The diversity of our group enriched the training, providing different viewpoints and insights. This community made the journey even more meaningful and enjoyable.

Yoga Teacher Training course

The Schedule

Our daily schedule was meticulously planned to balance physical practice, theory, and personal reflection. Here’s a glimpse into a typical day:

  • 7:00-8:00 AM: Shatkarma & Pranayama
  • 8:159:45 AM: Asana practice (hatha yoga with alignment)
  • 10:00 AM: Brunch
  • 11:00-12:30 PM: Yoga theory (anatomy, philosophy)
  • 12:30 AM-1:30 PM: Teaching Methodology or Ayurveda
  • 1:45-2:45 PM: Fruits and Tea break
  • 3:00 PM: Karma Yoga
  • 4:00-5:30 PM: Asana (Ashtanga Vinyasa or Hatha)
  • 6:00-7:00 PM: Emotional Blockage Treatment and Meditation
  • 7:00 PM: Dinner
  • 8:00 PM onwards: Study time/Relaxation
  • 10:00 PM Lights Off

We had one full day off per week, which was a welcome break from the rigorous schedule. On these days, we could explore the local area, visit nearby temples, or simply relax. These breaks were crucial for maintaining our energy and enthusiasm throughout the training. We had two included excursions: a Himalaya trip to the Kunjapuri Temple and a City outing where Sandeep showed us all the local spots for eating, shopping and sights.

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The Practice

Starting the yoga teacher training, I was nervous about my physical readiness. I had taken a break from yoga leading up to the course, so my body was not as conditioned as I would have liked. The initial days were challenging, with intense practices that pushed me beyond my comfort zone.

The training included a combination of dynamic and restorative sessions. Over time, my body adjusted to the demands of daily practice, and I began to appreciate the balance between effort and relaxation. I’m glad that I got to experience being pushed out of my comfort zone, because that’s how I grew, became better and learnt new levels of discipline, commitment and inner freedom. I was amazed how good and light my body is able to feel.

The Theory

In addition to physical practice, the theoretical aspects of the training were equally important. We delved into anatomy, learning how different poses impact the body and how to address common injuries. This knowledge was invaluable for ensuring safe and effective teaching.

Yoga philosophy classes provided a deeper understanding of the principles underlying yoga. We explored ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Pradipika  and the Yoga Sutras, which offered profound insights into the practice and its application in daily life. This theoretical knowledge complemented our physical training and enriched our overall experience.

The Feeling

The yoga teacher training experience was an emotional roller-coaster. There were moments of intense joy and connection, as well as days of frustration and self-doubt. The rigorous schedule and constant self-examination brought to the surface many of my personal challenges and limitations.

Despite the ups and downs, I found that the training helped me grow both as a practitioner and as a person. I learned to embrace the difficulties as part of the journey and to find balance between effort and acceptance. The experience transformed my perspective on yoga and deepened my commitment to the practice.

Last Words

My yoga teacher training at Gyan Yog Breath was a profoundly transformative experience. It provided me with not only the skills and knowledge to become a yoga teacher but also valuable insights into my own personal growth. If you’re considering a yoga teacher training course, whether in India or elsewhere, I encourage you to embrace the journey with an open heart and mind. The experience may challenge you, but it will also reward you with deep insights and a renewed sense of purpose.

For those looking to dive into a yoga teacher training course, especially in the culturally rich and spiritually significant setting of India, Gyan Yog Breath offers an exceptional opportunity to learn, grow, and transform. I would highly recommend it!

Author Bio:

Antonia Hill is a passionate yoga practitioner and certified yoga teacher who recently completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training at Gyan Yog Breath in Rishikesh, India. With a deep interest in holistic wellness and personal growth, Antonia shares her experiences and insights to inspire others on their yoga journey. Her background in yoga, combined with her love for travel and cultural exploration, enriches her writing and teaching. Antonia is dedicated to helping others discover the transformative power of yoga and to support them in finding their own path to health and happiness.



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