The Traditional Moon Salutation – Chandra Namaskar (Hatha Yoga)

Chandra Namaskar – Moon Salutation 

According to traditional yoga, there is only one Moon Salutation. It’s called Chandra Namaskar in Sanskrit and contains 28 Asana (Postures).

Chandra Namaskar is a very powerful sequence of asana and especially works on increasing the female (moon energy) in the body.

While there are many variations of Moon Salutation out there, here you can find the correct sequence and asana names in both Sanskrit and English:

      1. Pranamasana – Prayer Pose/Namaste Pose
      2. Hasta Utthanasana – Raised Arm Pose
      3. Pada Hastasana – Hand to Leg Pose
      4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana – Horse Riding Pose
      5. Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose
      6. Parvatasana – Mountain Pose
      7. Ashtanga Namaskar – 8 Body Parts Pose
      8. Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
      9. Parvatasana – Mountain Pose
      10. Ashwa Sanchalanasana – Horse Riding Pose
      11. Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose
      12. Pada Hastasana – Hand to Leg Pose
      13. Hasta Utthanasana – Raised Arm Pose
      14. Pranamasana – Prayer Pose/ Namaste Pose
     The sequence of 14 Asana above is repeated twice on either side of the body (begin with the left leg back) to complete one full around of 28 asanas.

    The 28 asanas represent the 28 days of the lunar month. When practiced regularly, this sequence helps to fully balance the menstrual cycle and adjust its length to the optimum 28 days.


    Benefits of Chandra Namaskar:

        • Increases the female energy in the body (left side, moon energy)

        • Brings calmness and gentleness to the body and mind

        • opens the heart chakra and releases anxiety

        • on the endocrine level, it increases estrogen production

        • raised levels of estrogen help to balance the menstruation and strengthen the heart

        • helpful to recover from PCOS, endometriosis and infertility

        • reduces anger and egoism

        • tones the entire reproductive system

        • improves the spinal posture and reduces a hunched back (kyphosis)
        • reduces blood pressure (hypertension)


      Whenever you learn about a new asana or asana sequence and its benefits, it is as important to understand about its contra-indications. Asana are most beneficial when practiced correctly and modified according to current ailments. They are not beneficial when ignoring matching contra-indications.

      Here are the most important contra-indications to keep in mind. 

      Avoid Chandra Namaskar:

        • during pregnancy
        • during menstruation time
        • as a total beginner
        • with severe back injury or slipped disc (in this case a modification of Half Moon Pose is required)
        • in case you feel too soft and gentle
        • as a well-balanced male practitioner
        • with hypotension (low blood pressure)

        If you want to learn more about Asana and how to perform them correctly, check out our other blog articles or join one of our yoga teacher training courses in India. During the 200-hour yoga teacher training we focus on learning all about the traditional context of yoga and how to practice and teach yoga safely and with care. We invite you to connect with the roots of yoga in a safe and supportive ashram environment.



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