The Best Yoga Teacher Training Courses in the UK (United Kingdom)

When you decide to take a yoga teacher training, the UK might not be the first place on your list, but let’s reconsider this. The UK provides recognized and high-quality yoga teacher training courses that align well with many peoples’ daily lives and jobs. Almost all trainings are held over a longer period of time (3 months to 2 years). The classes take place over consecutive weekends to make it suitable for full-time employees as well.
So if you are busy with work and/or want to take up a local yoga teacher training, choosing a Yoga Teacher Training course in the UK will be the best fit.
Yoga Teacher Training courses in the UK will have some things in common: they are non-residential, the primary course language is English and meals are not provided. This makes it most attractive for people from nearby communities.
PROS about YTT in the UK
1) Local Location, no traveling costs
2) Western setting and yogic adaptions
3) Perfect for part- or full-time workers
CONS about YTT in the UK
1) High tuition fee
2) No full-immersion including time away from home & daily life
3) No meals and accommodation included
The Best Yoga Teacher Training Courses in the UK in 2021-2022
1.WhiteSpace Studio
The Whitespace Studio is located in Milton Keynes. This institute offers a standard 200-hour yoga teacher training course as well as programs in various fields including prenatal yoga, yin and restorative yoga. The program covers asana practice and study, pranayama, kriya, yoga nidra, meditation, teaching methodology, business skills and Sanskrit insights.
What’s special about this course:
- The course runs over 15 months which gives time to reflect, self-study and apply new knowledge thoroughly.
- The program is taught by its founders Deborah Berryman, Dawn Wright, and Mona Baur.
- All of the classes follow a more traditional approach to yoga while still integrating Western thinking and lifestyle.
2.The House Of Yoga
The House of Yoga is located in Putney, London. As a very popular and modern yoga studio, their yoga teacher training is also very special. Unlike other programs, this one is spread over seven months only with classes held on two weekends per month. The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course is called “Ignite your passion” and the primary style is Power Vinyasa Yoga.
What’s special about this course:
- The course is very suitable for the Western mindset and people who wish to teach a more dynamic style of yoga.
- Great focus on gaining leadership skills and mastery.
- Perfect for London residents and integration with daily life.
3.Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre
The Sivanada Yoga Vedanta Centre is located in Putney, London. There, you will learn the teachings passed on from Sami Wishnudevananda. It’s a specific type of yoga that follows a more sequenced based asana practice and high emphasis on philosophical understanding of yoga. Since 1098, more than 40K students graduated from Sivananda Centres around the globe.
What’s special about this course:
- The course duration is one month (intensive) and accommodation is included.
- One of the few centers that teach about kriyas and kirtan as well.
- Exploration of the four paths of yoga: karma, bhakti, raja and jnana.
4. Yogahaven
Yogahaven is located in various parts of the UK including Brighton. Here, the 200-hour yoga teacher training is taught by Allie Hill who leads and teaches with empathy and compassion. You can book online and YTT teaser videos to get a feeling for the program and teachers. With more than 14 years of experience, Yogahaven has become a reputable spot for students across the UK.
What’s special about this course:
- Open-minded team of yoga teachers and staff.
- Hybrid options as well as an online program version of the course.
- Business of Yoga insights.