Eka Pada Baka Dhyanasana (One-Legged Crane Pose)– Instructions, Alignment & Benefits

Eka Pada Baka Dhyanasana aims to balance the nervous system. It strengthens the arms and wrists and develops a sense of physical balance.

Eka Pada Baka dhyanasana


  1. Assume the final position of baka dhyanasana
  2. Focus the gaze on the nose tip
  3. Maintain the balance and transfer more weight on to the left arm
  4. Slowly stretch the right leg back until it is straight
  5. Hold this position for as long as comfortable without straining
  6. Return the right knee to rest on the upper right arm
  7. Lower the feet to the floor and relax
  8. Practise again, stretching the left leg back

Benefits of Eka Pada Baka Dhyanasana:

  • Develops the arm muscles
  • Increases flexibility in the shoulder joints and lower back
  • Massages and tones the abdomen
  • Promotes physical balance
  • Balances the nervous system


People with high blood pressure, heart disease or cerebral thrombosis should not attempt this posture.

Yoga Asana Practice at Gyan Yog Breath

 Our Gyan Yog Breath Team publishes weekly asana tutorials for you to help you get into the right practise and understand about various benefits and contra-indications of postures. Sometimes, reading about a practise can awaken questions and the desire to learn yoga on a much deeper level. Therefore, we have established three Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Teacher Training Programs that aim to guide you into advanced and higher levels of yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training Course Details The following Programs take place on the first of every month in Rishikesh, India.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath will be a transformational and enriching experience for yoga beginners. Participants learn how to convert their practice and knowledge about yoga into deeper spheres and teach yoga on an international level. Read more

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath guides new yoga teachers into confident and diverse teaching techniques and methodologies. Through practical and theoretical course modules, the RYS200 can elevate his or her practice and understanding to the next level. Read more

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India at Gyan Yog Breath offers a complex 8-week course content. Yoga practitioners who feel ready to begin their yogic journey towards teaching are welcome to benefit from this comprehensive program. Read more



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