Nataraj is another name for Shiva, one of the Indian main Gods. His dance symbolizes universal energy. Natarajasana or Lord Shiva Dance Pose brings along many benefits. The level 1 posture stretches the shoulders, chest, thighs, and groins.
Are curious about how to perform this pose correctly?
Here are the instructional steps for you:
- Stand in Tadasana
- Bring your body weight onto the right foot
- Lift the left leg and grab your left ankle with your left hand
- Bring your right arm forward and up
- Place your right hand into Gyan Mudra (Chin Mudra)
- Lean forward and try to bring your left leg further behind
- Grab your ankle so that it won’t slip away
- Maintain your hips parallel to each other
- Straighten your right arm and lookup
- Kee the balance in the final position for at least 20 seconds
- Then, change the side
Benefits of Natarajasana:
- Tones the shoulders, chest, thighs, and abdomen
- Stretches the groins
- Improves the overall sense of balance
- Assists in losing excess weight
- Develops flexibility in the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings
- Promotes invigoration
- Tones the digestive system
- Calms the mind
Cautions and Contra-Indications:
Please avoid this posture during pregnancy.